martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Global Business Operations Require Increased Efforts in International Background Screening

Some hiring managers incorrectly assume that international screening could take months to complete. However, a company that fails to rigorously screen applicants or repeat screening for current employees and contractors may face much larger issues than a few days’ delay in on-boarding a new hire. Workplace violence, employee theft, fraud, and a host of other issues can arise when hiring an employee who has not been properly screened.

Employees represent the employer’s ethics, values, and character
International and national background screenings are important because employees are representatives of the company. Organizations with international hiring needs must educate themselves and understand the importance of selecting the right background-screening partner.

Debunking myths about international background screening
Here are ten of the most popular myths, each followed by the facts to help HR understand what is actually entailed in international background screening.
  • Ordering an international background check is difficult. Expert providers with established channels can efficiently conduct international background checks via secure websites and web-based applications.
  • It takes weeks or months to receive a status, or results, for an international check.
  • There is too much paperwork. Most often, the disclosure and authorization forms and information that are used for a domestic order are the same as for international orders.
  • Results cannot be trusted when dealing with a foreign country. The rigorous and trustworthy screening that is conducted can help you to find the right candidate for the position and eliminate those who will not represent your brand to your standards.
  • It is not legal for companies in the United States to do international searches.
  • Applicants with a work visa do not need to be background checked. Individuals can hide the fact that they have a questionable past and can falsify work and educational experience to gain a visa.
  • There are limited identifiers in many countries that make it impossible to be sure search results do pertain to a particular candidate. There are measures in place to help make sure information pertains to the correct individual.
  • It is impossible to stay on top of an international source’s performance. International background-screening providers should be staying on top of their source’s abilities and conduct especially in key countries where clients need a high volume of screening.
  • General online databases are an easy and inexpensive way to conduct searches.
  • No single company can provide worldwide coverage for screening needs. International background-screening providers are able to leverage a worldwide network of sources that provide both on the- ground research in local countries and access to relevant local databases.

During 2010, the global government-services providers experienced intense growth that swelled some demand for international civilian workers. Integrating state-of-the-art background screening technology with a network of agents that includes on-the-ground local country support is vital to the accuracy and comprehensive nature of the screening process. Each country has individual requirements for searching criminal records, which is why on-the-ground local support is crucial.

Although maintaining a safe workplace is an important goal for most organizations, many companies, both small and large, fail to engage in a comprehensive international background screening program for current employees, applicants, and contractors.
Developing and implementing a workplace-violence-prevention plan that serves the needs of an international organization is essential. Ongoing reviews, training, and drills are needed to ensure that the plan remains effective. Procedures and hotlines can be established for employees who need assistance, or for those who recognize the warning signs of workplace violence from a coworker.
People who have histories of domestic abuse, assault and battery, or drug and alcohol abuse often demonstrate anger management and personal-control problems, which may be red flags for employers.
Whether you are a property manager, HR representative, or business leader, it is important to understand that a secure workplace means screening not just employees, but also contractors, vendors, and temporary staff.

Ongoing Screening
Employees who keep their personal lives private may be involved in activities that could negatively impact your workplace.

Violence-Free Culture
Employees will appreciate your dedication to creating a corporate culture and daily working environment that is focused on safety and security. Information to promote awareness and reminders to participate in company sponsored training can be distributed when background checks are initiated

International screening is a critical component of the hiring process
When background screenings are performed, companies see lower employee turnover, less employer liability, higher productivity, and a well-qualified workforce. When you are trying to secure the best candidate and protect your organization and its brand, it is critical to screen all applicants, regardless of where the search is conducted.

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